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Thoughts for the 'morning after the two weeks before

Andy Fewtrell, an Olympic torch bearer, offers his thoughts now that London 2012 has come to an end and the legacy that it will leave behind. Read his thoughts HERE

Who Makes Money from Entrepreneurship?

Researchers from the Centre for Enterprise and the University of Liverpool have recently published research that shows how entrepreneur earnings are affected by their backgrounds and household roles. We’d love to hear what you think! What is your own experience? How does your experience relate to the research findings? And what should Governments, banks etc do to promote wealth-creating opportunities?

Read the latest Entrepreneurship Blog HERE


What's Going On:
Are you the owner or share holder of a small North West business looking to grow substantially in the next few years? Applications have now been considered for the March 2012 programme. To show interest in the upcoming programmes, please visit the 10,000 Small Businesses in the North West site for more information and to register your business.

What's Coming Up:
Keep checking for upcoming events.